EmoBCSMSlave: Breath Control and Electro Play – HDR

And a fourth time I wear Soccer Shoes and one of my Lycra Shorts. This time my Master tied me with hand and leg cuffs on the back. He controlled my breath with a plastic bag and after that with a gas mask and put over the mask the bag. But this isn’t enough he also used electro at my cock… I hope you like the photo set as we do and would appreciate comments.

EmoBCSMSlave: Breath Control and Electro Play – HDR

This is the HDR version, the version w/o HDR effects later… EmoBCSMSlave Soccer Shoes Breath Controlled w/ a bag, Gas Mask and Electro Play

Why HDR?

Let me say at the outset that I want to try out something with this series of pictures.

I’m a “fan” of HDR images. I like the over saturated, blazing colors that give each picture a new self-centered world. These are HDR images in the format PS Scott5.

As I know that not everyone likes HDR images, I’ll post the pictures without HDR in the next few days.

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