I always follow ur blog since you show ur real pic. As slave you should believe ur master. Is that you in black white pic? Wish to see you bound n breath controled coz i luv emo boy in trouble..

Thanks for follow!
Yes, it’s very important to believe your master, to fulfill his wishes and his instructions.
If I trust, then I’m just a slave or bottom of my master.
Then I like to subordinate my own personality completely.
– In my opinion, a slave has to obey and serve his Master. –
However, I’m often more a BDSM bottom than a real and pure slave.
But as a bottom you have also to trust, obey and serve your Top or Master during a session.
Why I define myself as a 24/7 bottom and not as a pure slave, will I explain later, if you want to know it.
Yes, I’m on the b/w pic.
I’m sure, you’ll see me bound and breath controlled in the near future.